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Mining and resources

In what is a truly global sector, we support multinational companies as they develop new ways to locate and then extract valuable natural resources.
Mining and Resources
Whilst mining and resource exploration is a well established industry, the ever-increasing automation of sites and the drive for efficiencies and safety continues to stimulate improvements. Coupled with the push for finding ways to better protect the environment, companies are developing innovative approaches to tackle these challenges.

Our technical range of expertise includes:

  • Artificial intelligence in the automation of mine sites
  • Casing tubing and running
  • Completions and production
  • Energy and clean technology
  • Geophysics
  • Heavy engineering vehicles and equipment
  • Instrumentation and control
  • Materials technology
  • Mining exploration equipment and systems
  • Mining engineering
  • Mining machinery and wear components
  • Mining processing
  • Mining services
  • Pressure pumping
  • Process and pipeline services
  • Sustainable water solutions
  • Water recycling
  • Water treatment
  • Wellbore drilling and evaluation

Our expertise in action

Acting for a large multinational company, where we take instructions from their busy US head office. They have an extensive worldwide patent portfolio to manage, which in itself is a complex operation. We understand the complexities of large patent portfolio management and through regular meetings with their IP managers, we understand that the Asia-Pacific region is a very important part of their global patent strategy.

Through tailoring our advice on a case-by-case basis, reviewing the prosecution histories of foreign counterparts, and developing an Australian strategy that maximises coverage, we’re able to make the process of obtaining a strong Australian patent as seamless as possible.

Key contacts

Danny Gelman

Principal, Melbourne | BSc (Hons), PhD, MIP Law

Elyse Schinella

Associate Principal, Sydney | BSc (Hons), PhD, MIP Law

David Kark

Senior Associate, Sydney | BE (Hons), MEngSc, MIP Law

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