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Every idea has the
potential to change
the future

At FPA, we focus on two areas of intellectual property – patents and designs. We are the only Intellectual Property firm in Australia with this degree of specialisation.

FPA’s clients truly value the deep expertise that our attorneys are known for. We use our expertise to bring insights, solve problems and co-create custom solutions.

Latest Insights & Firm News — 21 March 2025

Australia’s energy transition at the crossroads: Offshore wind turbines or nuclear reactors?

2024 was a big year for offshore wind and nuclear in the conversation around Australia’s energy transition. With obvious hurdles such as cost and social licence dominating this discussion, it is easy to overlook the impact these generation options may have on Australia’s status as a net importer of technology. Adopting a proven nuclear solution may keep costs down, but is unlikely to result in Australia becoming a significant innovator of nuclear technology in the foreseeable future. In contrast, there is greater potential for Australia’s offshore oil and gas industry to bring its innovation efforts to bear on offshore wind.

Latest Insights & Firm News — 28 February 2025

Life sciences principal promotion

FPA Patent Attorneys is delighted to announce the promotion of Dr Danny Gelman to principal with effect from 1 March 2025.

Latest Insights & Firm News — 14 February 2025

Green shoots: Patent protection of climate friendly early-stage innovations in agriculture

Climate change poses a significant and increasing challenge to food production. This is a particular issue in Australia where existing demanding conditions mean that food production is often already stressed without the addition of higher temperatures, less predictable rainfall, and harsher weather systems. But new challenges can lead to new solutions. And new solutions can often prove highly valuable if properly protected under the patent system.

Latest Insights & Firm News — 13 February 2025

Australia boosts green energy transition with new hydrogen and critical minerals tax incentives

The Australian Federal Parliament has passed new legislation providing tax credits and incentives for production of green hydrogen, and the processing of critical minerals in Australia. This article summarises the new incentives and discusses the possible impact these incentives may have on Australian patent filings.

FPA has been awarded "Australia Firm of the Year - Patent Prosecution" by Managing IP for 2024
FPA is delighted to receive this recognition, building on our previous successes in 2021 and 2019

Our Services

We'll protect your idea
like it was our own

Whilst FPA are registered to practice in Australia, New Zealand and Singapore, we also have extensive experience in the Southeast Asian (SEA) patent market where we provide superior outcomes for clients when navigating this burgeoning and increasingly important region.

A major focus for FPA has been to use our skills and experience to substantially improve the efficiency and outcomes of patent prosecution in this part of the world.

What else we do

We do more than just prosecute.

FPA has cultivated deep relationships with incubators and investors, such that we are often the first port of call as part of the due diligence process when they are looking to invest in a new start-up.

Our attorneys are also heavily involved in contentious matters, whether these are directly between parties, at the patent office or providing assistance to lawyers before the Courts.

We have experts in Plant Breeder’s Rights and Plant Patents. We also provide global renewals management services.


Deep expertise through thought leadership:
Clean technology: Why it is a good idea to file patents in Australia

Awards & Recognitions

FPA Patent Attorneys Firm of the Year Patent Prosecution

News & Insights

Distinguished, insightful and focused

Read the latest articles by our Patent Attorneys on recent developments in patent law and practice.

About us

More than a patent attorney

Whether it’s the creation, management, enforcement or commercialisation of your intellectual property rights, our purpose is to efficiently deliver an individualised client service offering to exceed expectations.

FPA comprises a large, energetic, experienced and diverse team of patent attorneys qualified in a range of science and engineering disciplines.

Further, our patent attorneys generally have industry or postdoctoral experience in their respective fields of expertise and an interest in continuing education in these fields, which means that they are well placed to understand innovative technical concepts and to translate them into IP specifications.

FPA is an independent, top-tier, Australian based, private incorporated registered attorney firm and a member of the QANTM Group. For more information on the QANTM Group and members of the Group, please visit Ownership Structure or QANTM IP.


Awards & recognition

Contact us

We look forward to hearing from you

To assist you further, be it in the services or expertise we provide, career offerings or an administrative task, please contact your closest office.

Whilst our attorneys are primarily located in Melbourne, Sydney and Singapore, they are available for video conference calls and are regularly travelling interstate and overseas.

FPA office locations


Level 19, South Tower
80 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000


21 Merchant Road
Singapore 058267


Suite 2, Level 9
275 George Street
Sydney NSW 2000

FPA mail delivery

Please send all Australia mail to:

Level 19, South Tower
80 Collins Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Please send all Singapore mail to:

21 Merchant Road
Singapore 058267

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